TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What to do with my 30k mile Z...
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Subject What to do with my 30k mile Z...
Posted by Shutoburner on January 01, 2020 at 5:38 PM
  This message has been viewed 532 times.
Message This is my 2nd TT 300ZX. A pristine, completely unmolested, stock pearl white with tan leather interior. I bought it at 29200 miles on to odo and now sits at 30150, roughly in the last 3 years of ownership. Thing is, I’m not a collector. I bought this because this was the color combo I always wanted. My first one was a gray on black. I modded the 1st Z to my exact liking until I crashed it on a rainy day. It had 99 JDM lights and bumper, intake, JWT chip, stilled exhaust etc.

I bought this new one 3 years ago thinking that I’ll do the same but my brother and some old guys at cars and coffee talked me out of doing anything to it because of the mileage. I ordered a set of 99 JDM tails and picked up a cat back for now since both of those are easily reversible since I’m keeping all stock parts. But the wheel gap and the stock wheels, it goes on and on.

I know it sounds crazy, but I wish I would’ve bought something with higher mileage and a car that was already a bit modded, so I could do more to it and get it to look like the one I want. Because my brother and even my mechanic says if I keep it the way it is, it’ll be worth a lot etc etc. That keeps me from messing with this car. Thinking about even selling it and getting into cheaper car to do the modding. Are these cars really going up that much in value that I’m being told to leave it stock? Thoughts?

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